Top Supplier Priorities 2024

Each year, ITM surveys it's members to discover their top priorities for year ahead. For the first time we surveyed our supplier members alongside our buyers.

Discover the differences that emerged between the views of suppliers and buyers as we look ahead to the top priorities for business travel in 2024.

Download the full survey report to understand more about the direction of business travel for 2024.

You need to be an ITM member to access this resource - you can join as a Connect member for free here.

Published: 06 Dec 2023
Type: Survey
Produced by: ITM
Sector : Buyer Insights
Business - IP Supplier : Free
Business - IP Buyer : Free
Business - Supplier : Free
Business - Buyer : Free
Connect - IP Supplier : Free
Connect - IP Buyer : Free
Connect - Supplier : Free
Connect - Buyer : Free